Tag Archives: traumatic brain injury

Expectancy and Health

Expectancy, when it connects to the power of God, can do more than sustain us emotionally; it can help heal us physically. Read more about how expectancy benefits health in my first post on a relatively new social media platform called IdeaPod: Expectation for Good Health. To read the full-length version of this article published in

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Gabby Giffords on ABC’s 20/20

I watched Diane Sawyer’s exclusive interview with Gabrielle (“Gabby”) Giffords and her husband Mark Kelley on ABC TV’s 20/20 last night. It was very moving! And it was wonderful to see the progress that Congresswoman Giffords has made since she was shot in the head last January.

Her husband Mark said he believes that optimism is a form of healing and hope a form of love. He said, “You can’t have too much hope“. Sawyer shared how Gabby’s husband Mark and her mother Gloria formed an indomitable alliance of optimism.

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Prayer changes the brain?

Does praying change the brain? Does prayer change the brain?

A study conducted in Michigan a few years ago by Brigid Waldron-Perrine, Ph.D. at Wayne State University and recently published in Rehabilitation Psychology found that patients with traumatic brain injuries who “felt a connection with a higher power” experienced better rehabilitation. Waldron-Perrine said, “among healthy adults, religion and spirituality have shown strong association with improved life satisfaction and physical and mental health outcomes.” And her research showed that this is also true for those with brain injuries. 

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