Tag Archives: MiDashboard

Dashboards, Metrics & Health

So, do you have an altimeter on the dashboard of your car to gauge your altitude?”

In my last blog post I discussed how metrics need to fit the thing being measured and how a one-metric-fits-all or one-metric-says-it-all approach can be misleading.

I attended the organizational meeting of the Health Policy Committee in the Michigan House of Representatives last Thursday and had the privilege of speaking with a number of committee members afterwards.  Chairman Gail Haines of Waterford really has a good group on this committee.  They bring together a very broad and diverse set of backgrounds in the area of health policy and they clearly have a passion for making improvements in our state in this area.  I think that they will work well together and listen to a broad range of points of view as they do some good things in our state.

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Dashboards and Metrics

Do you have an altimeter on the dashboard of your car to gauge your altitude?  Not likely.  This metric doesn’t fit the application.

In his first State of the State address last Wednesday Governor Snyder announced that the Michigan government will have a dashboard to gauge progress in different areas that will be available online for all of us to view.  In general, I like this idea.  But it’s important not to fall into a “one-metric-fits-all” mentality.

A dashboard has gauges to show the status of something.  The dashboard in a car has gauges to show speed, mileage, engine temperature, etc.  Mine even shows tire pressure in each tire.

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