Tag Archives: Mary Baker Eddy

What’s prayer got to do with it?

Picture by Ryan Harvey

The short answer is…. plenty!

So, how was weight loss accomplished through prayer ?

Healing in Christian Science is not faith healing through the human mind or a blind faith. It’s not New Age thinking or positive thinking. It’s not visualization, seeing yourself the way you want to be.

It’s seeing yourself as God sees you, as God made you.

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Is God ever uncaring?

“Would Americans, in the face of unemployment, home foreclosures, two wars and an uncertain economic future, describe the Almighty as a wrathful, cold critic of our failings, or maybe a distant, uncaring force?”

The answer?   “For Americans today, God, quite simply, is love.”

This is Cathy Lynn Grossman’s synopsis of contributions from readers sharing their concept of God in her 12/19/2010 article in USA WEEKEND entitled, “How Americans imagine God.”  She pointed out that the responses are personal and individual.  “Still, one gleaming, common thread weaves throughout: For Americans today, God, quite simply, is love.”  Her readers “describe a loving presence”.

So, how does Christian Science imagine God?

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A Relevant Social Network Christmas

This video below showed me that the Christmas story can be told in the language of today’s Social Media and still share the same message.

Here’s the YouTube video entitled Social Network Christmas by Ignitermedia.com

So here’s a question: does something have to be new and popular to be relevant?

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About Christmas Gifts

The memory of the Bethlehem babe bears to mortals gifts greater than those of Magian kings, — hopes that cannot deceive, that waken prophecy, gleams of glory, coronals of meekness, diadems of love.”¹

Mary Baker Eddy, the Founder of Christian Science, wrote these words in an article entitled, “Christmas Gifts”¹.

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