Tag Archives: ESCAPE FIRE

Patient choice in healthcare

Health blogger Joel Magnes, writing in The Eden Prairie News in Minnesota, draws lessons from the documentary, “Escape Fire – the fight to rescue American healthcare” in discussing patient choice. He shares how he once made a choice that at the time was a very different one for him – a spiritual approach involving prayer. It helped, and

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Needed indeed: New and alternative ways to relieve pain

Americans constitute only 4.6% of the world’s population, yet consume 80% of all opioids (painkillers).¹ This statistic, which appeared in the media again this week, again caught my attention. It brought to mind this observation from Escape Fire (which aired on CNN): “… the answers are not in a sack of pills.” Bill Scott in Washington State,

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9 Thought-provoking Health Quotes From 2013 (Part 1 of 2)

DRUGS “… the answers are not in a sack of pills” (from EscapeFire on CNN). “If there’s one thing that I would love to see you begin to implement in your own practice and teach others about, it’s to try to change this mindset that has so completely taken hold in our culture on the

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A Broader Spectrum of Care for Better Health Care Results?

Our health care system here in the U.S. is often compared and contrasted with the Canadian system that provides universal coverage. Each system has its virtues and its challenges. Canadian health blogger Wendy Margolese from Toronto, Ontario, Canada recently wrote an interesting piece on Simcoe.com entitled, “Canadian Medicare: More Care in our Health Care System”.

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ESCAPE FIRE: Expanding Our View of Healthcare Without Fear

How much airtime does an issue need before that sets fire to our commitment for change? The award-winning documentary movie Escape Fire: The Fight To Rescue American Healthcare, until recently, has received relatively small attention. Jeff Zucker, president of CNN Worldwide, said, “The physical health of our nation and the cost of healthcare, impact every current

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Escape Fire Revisited: Escaping Pain

Have you ever been in pain and wanted to escape the discomfort? CNN aired the documentary movie Escape Fire: The Fight To Rescue American Healthcare Sunday night (and they will rebroadcast it Saturday, March 16 at 8:00 p.m. ET and again at 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.) The inspiration for the title of the movie comes

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Escape Fire Revisited: Over Treatment

CNN aired the documentary movie “Escape Fire” Sunday night (and they will rebroadcast it Saturday, March 16 at 8:00 p.m. ET and again at 11:00 p.m.) The movie looks at issues that need to be addressed to improve our health care system in the U.S., as evident in the movie’s full title, Escape Fire: The

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ESCAPE FIRE: Healthcare transformation need not be feared

Photo: © Stock photos/Glowimages.com (120-Q46355)

There’s a different way of doing things that’s possible” according to the trailer for a thought-provoking movie by Matthew Heineman and Susan Froemke entitled “ESCAPE FIRE: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare” that opens Friday, October 5. Our current system resists needed changes, perhaps fearing change, but the new ideas and alternative treatments, including spiritual ones, that will help rescue American healthcare can be considered and utilized without fear.

According to the movie’s website, “ESCAPE FIRE examines the powerful forces maintaining the status quo, a medical industry designed for quick fixes rather than prevention, for profit-driven care rather than patient-driven care.”

The inspiration for the title of the movie comes from an incident in Mann Gulch, Montana where a forest fire trapped a group of firefighters. Their foreman, Wag Dodge, intentionally lit a fire in front of him and then stepped into the newly burnt area. The fire went around that area since it was already burned. His crew couldn’t accept his unusual approach and went on ahead and, tragically, most of them were killed. Wag Dodge survived.

It seems that one of the big challenges lies in overcoming the fear of something new, something a little different than what we’re used to.

Albert Einstein reassures us with his perspective: “Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views, discovering unexpected connections between our starting points and its rich environment. But the point from which we started out still exists and can be seen, although it appears smaller and forms a tiny part of our broad view gained by the mastery of the obstacles on our adventurous way up.”¹

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