More than "thoughts & prayers"
Prayer can take different forms. As treatment, it can be an effective, systematic, and practical method of healing, meeting human needs through spiritual means.
Prayer can take different forms. As treatment, it can be an effective, systematic, and practical method of healing, meeting human needs through spiritual means.
The Founder of Christian Science — Mary Baker Eddy — said, “I reverence and adore Christ as never before.” (Miscellaneous Writings, pg 96). Christian Science is based on the Bible’s message of God’s love for man and specifically on the life and teachings of Christ Jesus and his followers.
Christian Scientists' perspectives on vaccinations, respect for others, church and its relevance today, and Mary Baker Eddy, the Founder of Christian Science.
“I love to tell the story
Of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and his glory,
Of Jesus and his love,…”¹
… says the well-known Christian hymn that is used across denominational lines.
So please read on, and behold Jesus’ love!
I like to consider possibilities.
What if ?…
What if you, yes – you, experienced a healing through Christian Science? I have, and I’ll tell you, feeling the power of God make you better, you’d never be quite the same.
And what if you experienced healing this way again? Wouldn’t you start to think that there’s a system involved here, a method, a science?
What do spirituality, mathematics and God’s love have to do with healing?
This isn’t the easiest subject to talk about, but here’s something that got my attention recently and I hope it gets yours: Michigan is ranked 37th in the U.S. in terms of its infant mortality rate. Then consider that the U.S. is ranked 33rd in the world. Ouch! In the 1960’s the U.S. was ranked 19th in the world in infant mortality and then-President Lyndon Johnson called this appalling.
Of course, this isn’t about performing better than other states or other countries. It’s about doing better and better until a rate of zero is achieved. It’s about saving lives.
Christian Science has taught me that God loves everyone, and His will for all children, for new and expectant mothers – indeed, for all of us – is always good, always health and life.
Look at this comforting Scripture from Isaiah that conveys God’s mothering love:
“Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord” (66:9)
“As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you” (66:13)
“…he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” (40:11)
The U.S. Religious Landscape Survey conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that in the U.S. 88% believe in God, 82% believe religion is important in one’s life, and 75% pray at least once a week, but only 39% attend a religious service at least once a week.
I’ve been asking myself, “is church relevant to me?” The answer is yes. So this leads to the more important question, “how is church relevant to me?”
“What the world needs now is love sweet love, no not just for some but for everyone.” These words, from a song with lyrics by Hal David, set to music composed by Burt Bacharach, and originally recorded by Jackie DeShannon in 1965, are so very timely. “The poor suffering heart needs its rightful nutriment, such as
The short answer is…. plenty!
So, how was weight loss accomplished through prayer ?
Healing in Christian Science is not faith healing through the human mind or a blind faith. It’s not New Age thinking or positive thinking. It’s not visualization, seeing yourself the way you want to be.
It’s seeing yourself as God sees you, as God made you.
We’re having fun now. Stairs can be fun. Better behavior is better. And a change of motivation or thought can lead to better behavior. But can a change of thought really lead to better health? Is it possible to experience weight loss and better health through prayer? In the video below entitled, “Are you ready
Change behavior for the better by making it “fun”. That’s the theory. It’s called the fun theory. A change in motivation, a change in attitude, a change in thought. A change in thought leads to a change in behavior. So, is it possible that a change in thought can also lead to better health? And
I was sitting in the back by the door. After the meeting, and after many there had left, as two Michigan House Health Policy Committee members were walking out of the room one suggested that they take the stairs and the other concurred.
In the committee meeting, Meghan Swain of the Michigan Association for Local Public Health shared that childhood obesity has tripled in the state and adult obesity has doubled. A member of the committee shared that some of the members of the committee are now encouraging one another to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
The point was made that it’s not enough to talk about the importance of these things as they work to improve health in the state, but that they need to do something.