Category Archives: Mental health

Instead of losing your temper, lose your temper

That’s right. Or, as Health Writer Bob Clark in Florida puts it, in a recent Tampa Bay Times article, “Don’t manage anger — get rid of it”. Clark points out: “studies show that somewhere between 75 and 90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians result from stress-related disorders.” And doesn’t it make sense

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Addiction: Can drugs really free us from drugs?

“Addiction is like a chasm opening up before you and enticing you to keep walking despite the dire consequences ahead,” says Tony Lobl, a Christian Science practitioner and writer on spirituality and health living in the U.K., writing in the Huffington Post UK last fall. Lobl points out that more than one million Britons are

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9 More Health Quotes from 2013 (Part 2 of 2)

AGING “‘Old’ really is a state of mind…” (Dr. Shari Rochen, doctor of internal medicine at the Pearland Kelsey-Seybold Clinic, Houston Chronicle) “Age by itself does not necessarily bring premature disease and disability, but it is the belief that age brings these conditions that hastens their arrival.” (Norman Vincent Peale quoted by Dr. Victor S. Sierpina, Galveston

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3 Health Articles For Christmas That Will Make Your Day

Here are three articles in the news recently with Christmas in mind that focus on the intersection of spirituality and health. In the first article, Scrooge’s life lessons are adapted to health,  the second includes a personal account of gaining freedom from depression, and the third has a surprise ending that will make you smile. 1. Transforming a bah-humbug

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Remembering Sandy Hook One Year Later – With The Heart

With the one-year anniversary of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, coming up tomorrow, Saturday, December 14, it’s important to turn our hearts and thoughts in directions that will continue the healing process. In Watching what we’re watching for health’s sake, we are reminded that research shows a link between watching

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From DOWN UNDER: Care Helps Dementia Sufferers and Caregivers

In the U.S., the Alzheimer’s Organization reports that an estimated 5.2 million Americans suffer from dementia and more than half of their caregivers struggle with high emotional stress. Writing in the Fraser Coast Chronicle in northeastern Australia, Kay Stroud presents a hopeful look at helping those suffering from dementia in an article entitled, “Care can

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Mental Buoyancy Is Good For Health

An intriguing view of “buoyancy” as applied to thought comes from Health Blogger Beverly Goldsmith of Melbourne, Australia. She writes: “No one enjoys the ‘sinking feeling’ that often accompanies upsetting news. Some people can deal with it as if it’s nothing more than a blip on their emotional radar. For others, feeling down can seem

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Lifting the Fog of Chronic Depression

A guest post written by John D. Clague, media and legislative spokesperson for Christian Science in Oregon. I have a friend who suffers from SAD — seasonal affective disorder. The long periods of clouds and rain depress her so much that she feels she can no longer live in the northwest. She and her husband

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Ever considered detoxing thought?

“When showering, don’t just think about keeping externally clean. Look within.  Exfoliate dead-end thinking.  Cleanse away any build up of disappointment or resentment. Allow calming, comforting, reassuring, and peace-encouraging ideas to flow into thinking.” This intriguing approach comes from Health Blogger Beverly Goldsmith of Melbourne, Australia, who examines how “detoxing your thought could lead to

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Oklahoma: connecting with each other and the divine to move forward

(©Glowimages/Stock photo; Models used for illustrative purposes only)

(©Glowimages/Stock photo; Models used for illustrative purposes only)

Images of the category EF-5 tornado that went through portions of Oklahoma on Monday and the trail of destruction it left behind can be disturbing to watch. And, as in the case of other recent tragedies, such as hurricane Sandy, the Newtown massacre and the Boston Marathon bombing, our hearts yearn for everyone involved to find comfort and peace, along with any needed provisions.

Perhaps we recognize familiar sentiments from these words of the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah when he wrote in the book of Lamentations¹ about devastation:

  • “Oh, oh, oh…”
  • “How empty the city, once teeming with people.”
  • “…I weep, weep buckets of tears…”

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